
Dental Implants and Your Smile

The ability to completely prevent tooth loss or make people immune to it doesn’t seem possible. However, more advanced dental treatments, technologies, and materials have allowed more people to save teeth that might otherwise be lost, or replace teeth that are lost to fully restore their smiles. Today, we examine why more tooth loss patients can improve the long-term health and integrity of their smile by choosing to replace their teeth with dental implants. (more…)


Is a Bone Graft Necessary to Restore Your Smile?

After you experience tooth loss, restoring your smile can seem as straightforward as replacing your lost teeth with a lifelike restoration. Sometimes, however, the subsequent consequences of losing one or more teeth can have significant impacts on your oral health. To fully recover them and restore your smile, you may need to address these consequences in addition to replacing the tooth or teeth that you’ve lost. Today, we look at the role that bone grafting can play in helping many patients recover from tooth loss and the effects it has had on their oral structures. (more…)


Replacing a Lost Tooth with an Implant and Crown

When you lose a tooth, it’s important to replace it as soon as possible. However, did you know you have a choice in exactly how you replace it? Traditionally, people who experience tooth loss have replaced their missing tooth with the help of a custom dental bridge. Yet, increasingly more people are experiencing the benefits of replacing a lost tooth with a dental implant and crown, instead. Unlike a conventional bridge, a dental implant crown more closely resembles the natural structure of your tooth, including the root that supported it, for optimal smile restoration results. (more…)


What Tooth Loss Really Means for Your Oral Health

Every one of your teeth is important to your smile and bite function in several different ways. Also, having all of them present is, in itself, an important aspect of your oral health. Having a full row of teeth on both your upper and lower dental ridges is essential to making sure your bite stays balanced, and that all of your teeth have the support they need. Because of this, losing a tooth can have several devastating consequences on your oral health, and you may not be aware of what all those consequences can mean in the long run. (more…)


A Few Things You Might Need to Prepare for Implants

There are many different reasons why dental implants have become one of the most popular solutions for addressing tooth loss. Most notably, their unique ability to replace lost teeth roots and their vital functions make them the most comprehensive solution for rebuilding your smile. Also, qualifying for dental implants is nearly as simple as qualifying for any other tooth replacement option. The only difference is that, as biocompatible replacements for lost teeth roots, dental implants may also require a bit preparation, such as ensuring that the foundation of your smile is healthy enough to support the implant posts. (more…)


A Look at How Dental Implants Are Different

Losing one or more teeth isn’t as easy to overcome as a cavity or a mild case of gum disease. For example, in addition to addressing the loss of the tooth, you may also need treatment to address the underlying cause of it. Also, tooth loss can have several long-term consequences that you may not be aware of, and your tooth replacement should do all it can to prevent them. Today, we look at how dental implants are designed to do this more effectively, and what makes them different from more conventional types of replacement teeth. (more…)


Facts About Tooth Loss and Dental Implant Restorations

Tooth loss may be common, but many of the facts surrounding it aren’t as thoroughly understood as they should be. For instance, many people recognize that tooth loss is a possibility in their future, but some believe it’s inevitable while others think the possibility is too obscure to take seriously. Another misconception about tooth loss is that, once it occurs, the rest of your teeth and oral structures are doomed to the suffer the consequences over the coming years. Today, we take a closer look at tooth loss, including what it actually means for your smile, and why dental implants are often the best solution for helping you avoid the consequences. (more…)


We Can Address Your Questions About Implant-Held Dentures

Removable dentures can give you back your complete smile, help you bite and chew with comfort, and generally help you move past your troubles with tooth loss. With that said, people can grow frustrated with appliances that may feel less than secure, or seem to offer less support than they hoped for. Over time, you can even start to worry that your custom prosthetic no longer provides a secure fit. These issues can be addressed through implant-held dentures, which provide a more stable alternative for prosthetic work. Your Conroe, TX dentist has experience working with patients to give them a permanent appliance that can fully restore their smile while providing more comfort and functional support! (more…)


Why Restore Your Tooth After Extraction Or Tooth Loss?

When you need emergency dental care, you sometimes end up needing your tooth extracted due to a bad case of decay or a bad break. However, you may end up having a different kind of dental emergency, in which your adult tooth falls out. While this can be caused by many aggravating factors, losing a tooth and having a gap in your smile can not only be embarrassing, but also not the best for your dental health. So, in today’s blog, your Conroe, TX, dentist will discuss how and why we fully replace your missing teeth to restore your full smile.



How Do Dentures Work With Dental Implants?

We’ve talked in previous blogs about how partial dentures and dental crowns can combine with your dental implants to replace your teeth, filling the gaps in your smile. But, if you have lost all of your teeth and have been using traditional dentures, you may be wondering how or even if implants can work for you. So, in today’s blog, your Conroe, TX, dentist will share the facts about implant dentures and how they can benefit your continued oral health.
