
Why Start Planning Implants Now?

Are you trying to decide when to start planning for your dental implants? Does it seem like the type of thing that becomes difficult to start? Yes, you want them, but it’s not like heading to the store for a new sweater. This is serious business! It includes oral surgery, placement, extensive planning, and the list goes on and on. Well, yes, it sounds a little complex, but it’s not actually that bad. The only thing you need to focus on is getting started. Then, the rest is quite easy (we’ll guide you from there). Need some motivation? We’re ready to offer it up!



Your Introduction To Implants Is Easy

When you don’t know much about dental implants, looking ahead to everything you’d like to learn and to the potential for your adventure with receiving them can seem like quite a major ordeal! The truth is, it can be very easy. We are always happy to streamline the process of familiarizing you with (and receiving) implants to the best of our ability. Consider some ways reaching out to our practice for the education you need is actually very simple.



Bone Grafting: Let’s Talk Details

If you’re just getting started in the world of dental implants, then you might not know much about what’s going on with your jawbone at the moment. You may also be unaware that if your jawbone could be in better shape (but it is not), we can often help you with a treatment called bone grafting. What is a jawbone graft and why on earth might you need such a thing? These are important questions. The answers may prove very helpful to your journey.



Dental Implants: An Introductory Checklist

If you feel like there’s a lot to learn, a ton to consider, and you’re not sure how to organize all of the details, let us help. We are happy to provide you with a quick introductory dental implant checklist to ensure you can make your choice about completing your smile with implants with ease. Take our measured approach and the process becomes one that’s enjoyable instead of stress-filled. Keep in mind, scheduling a consultation will most certainly benefit you!



After Your Tooth Extraction: Time For An Implant?

Once you have a tooth removed through a dental extraction, you may be left wondering whether it’s time for a dental implant (or not). The truth is, there is not one answer for this question because whether you require tooth replacement relies on the type of tooth you had removed, why it was removed, etc. For a much clearer understanding of when an implant will save the day versus when it’s unnecessary, we are more than happy to extend the clarification you need.



Dental Implants: 3 Roadblocks You (May) Have To Overcome

Do you know whether you’re ready for dental implants at the moment? Or, do you think that perhaps your smile is not quite there yet but you would like to get started on preparing your oral health for the placement of implants? Maybe you didn’t realize there could be potential obstacles that might temporarily force you to slow down, prep your smile, and then move ahead with replacing your teeth. Today, let’s cover three roadblocks that you might have to overcome first, so you know what to expect.



Q&A: Partial Dentures With Implant Support

When you begin investigating the very large and interesting world of options for partial tooth loss, you will certainly run across the opportunity to choose a partial denture with implant support. While it’s always nice to have a variety of selections to choose from, it’s not all it’s cracked up to be unless you feel well-informed. To help you become more familiar with whether an implant partial is for you, we’ve crafted a quick Q&A session full of details.



Need An Implant? You’re Not Alone!

Are you someone who could really use a dental implant for your tooth loss but you are feeling sort of embarrassed? Why are you feeling this way? Do you feel like the only person out there in the world who is missing one or multiple teeth and requires a replacement solution? Great news: This is a false assumption. The truth is, implants are very common. Find out just how not-very-unique your story is with a little more information.



Implants: They Last A Long, Long Time

As with any prosthetic that you might choose to replace a missing tooth, you will want to know how much wear you will be able to get out of dental implants. When you invest in your smile, you hope to get a wonderful return, of course! The good news with implants is that you can always expect a nice long life. Consider some particulars, so you feel you have a firmer grasp on the ins and outs of the future life of your tooth replacements.



Restoration Options For Your Implants

As you learn about your options with dental implants, you will find out all about restorations. What are these? Well, this is the term that we use in reference to the particular type of prosthetic supported by your implant (or implants) to replace the crowns of your teeth. Did you know that you may replace one tooth at a time or multiple teeth? Find out more about restorations, so you have a better grasp on the ways implants may help your smile.
