
What Makes Tooth Loss a Threat to Your Oral Health?

The visual effects of losing one or more teeth can often be the most obvious problem associated with tooth loss. However, despite its visibility, this impact is only one of many different consequences that come with losing your healthy, natural tooth structure. In addition, there are also several ways in which the rest of your teeth and oral structures react. Though these impacts may not be as obvious at first, they can make tooth loss a much bigger threat to your oral health than you realize. (more…)


What Dental Implants Accomplish for Your Smile

There are several different factors that go into restoring your smile after you’ve experienced tooth loss. That’s because the loss of your tooth or teeth has several different consequences for your oral health, and restoring your smile can mean addressing as many of them as possible. Conventional bridges and dentures are limited in this ability because they aren’t able to replace the roots of your lost teeth, or mimic the support that they provide. Fortunately, dental implants can accomplish the level of stability that your dental restoration needs to fully reestablish the functions of your lost teeth. (more…)


When You Might Have to Wait for Dental Implants

Some of the greatest advantages that dental implants provide involve their ability to preserve the health and integrity of your smile, as well as restore your lost teeth. This is because dental implants are able to more closely mimic your healthy natural teeth by giving your restoration an appropriate number of supportive, root-like anchors. However, before your dental ridge can receive the dental implant posts, your dentist will have to ensure that your oral structures are prepared for them. Depending on the state of your oral health, this may mean that you have to wait until you address one or more concerns before your dental implants can be placed. (more…)


Dealing with the Biggest Problems of Tooth Loss

By itself, tooth loss is a big enough problem that it should never be ignored if it occurs. However, the fact that your healthy, natural tooth structure is lost could be the start of several additional, more extensive problems with your oral health, many of which aren’t noticeable until years later. Many of these problems also stem from the loss of your healthy, natural teeth roots, which is why the most successful way to deal with them is often with the help of dental implants. (more…)


Why You Need Dental Implants, and Why It Matters

The fact that you’ve experienced tooth loss is the main reason why you need dental implants. However, the specific details surrounding your tooth loss, such as the reason why you’ve lost teeth and whether it’s the first time you’ve experienced it, can have an impact on your candidacy for dental implants and their chances of successfully restoring your smile. Today, we examine a few of the reasons for needing dental implants, and why these specific needs can impact your overall dental implant treatment plan. (more…)


When You Replace One Lost Tooth with a Dental Implant

Losing one tooth doesn’t seem as significant a problem as losing several or most of your teeth. However, tooth loss to any degree can be highly detrimental to your long-term oral health and the integrity of the rest of your smile. Because of this, losing one tooth can mean that you’re much more likely to experience more extensive tooth loss in the future. This is largely due to the effects that result from losing the tooth’s root, and with a dental implant and crown, you have a good chance of mitigating these effects to reduce the risks of further tooth loss. (more…)


Things You Might Not Realize Are Caused By Tooth Loss

When you experience tooth loss, most of the consequences of it are obvious. There’s no question why your smile looks different, or why the rest of your teeth don’t feel the same when you bite and chew. However, not all of the impacts of tooth loss are things that you can immediately tie back to it. If you don’t address the loss promptly, you may develop several other concerns that you aren’t aware are related to the initial loss of your teeth. (more…)


How Dental Implants Minimize the Impacts of Tooth Loss

Some of the effects of tooth loss, like the way it impacts your smile’s appearance, are obvious from the start. Many of them can also be successfully addressed with the help of a custom-designed dental restoration, such as a bridge or denture. However, many other impacts of tooth loss stem from the loss of your teeth’s roots, which conventional bridges and dentures aren’t able to address properly. Today, we explore how dental implants can help minimize these impacts by successfully replacing the roots of your lost teeth, providing your restoration and your natural oral structures with the support they need. (more…)


What Is a Dental Implant Doing for Your Mouth?

Dental implants are the most comprehensive way to address tooth loss. Losing a tooth can be a traumatizing experience, and it can have a negative impact on your long-term oral health. It’s important to replace your missing tooth quickly to avoid these consequences. Because of their structure and makeup, dental implants offer advantages that other dental prosthetics simply do not. What exactly is a dental implant doing for your mouth? Here are some of the major benefits that you can expect from this type of dental prosthetic. (more…)


What Makes a Superior Dental Implant?

When you set out to build a house, you have to start with a strong foundation. If you start building without a blueprint and just wing it as you go, the house may end up getting completed, but it’s not likely to be sturdy or as aesthetically pleasing as it could have been. The same is true of dental implants. When you receive dental implant surgery, you are creating the foundation that will replace your missing tooth. You want that foundation to be precise and strong. That typically means using advanced imaging technology to get the blueprint right. This is what makes a superior dental implant. (more…)