
Q&A: Partial Dentures With Implant Support

When you begin investigating the very large and interesting world of options for partial tooth loss, you will certainly run across the opportunity to choose a partial denture with implant support. While it’s always nice to have a variety of selections to choose from, it’s not all it’s cracked up to be unless you feel well-informed. To help you become more familiar with whether an implant partial is for you, we’ve crafted a quick Q&A session full of details.

Questions and Answers

Question: What is a partial denture? Is it the same as a bridge?

Answer: A partial is a prosthetic that addresses partial tooth loss, which can also be said of a bridge. However, where a bridge replaces up to three teeth (all in a row), a partial addresses most amounts and patterns, giving you more freedom to address your unique requirements.

Question: Why would I want implant support for a partial instead of just wearing one in the traditional way?

Answer: First and foremost, when you choose dental implant support over traditional support, you always enjoy improved stability. It’s also extremely beneficial for your jaw health. Implants allow for the reestablishment of jaw stimulation, which keeps the bone tissue healthy.

Question: Is choosing a partial denture with implants going to give me a natural looking smile back? Or, am I going to feel like it’s an obvious eyesore that happens to provide great function?

Answer: We offer esthetically pleasing results! Implants help the prosthetic fit with a very natural finish. The crowns used in your partial are lifelike and will be matched to blend with your remaining smile. You’ll get function and beauty.

See Us For Implant-Retained Partials

When you’re dealing with partial tooth loss and would like a stable replacement, come talk with us about your implant options. Come in for a visit in Conroe, TX by scheduling a visit with the Dental Centre of Conroe by calling (936) 441-4600. We serve patients from Conroe, Houston, The Woodlands, Willis, Montgomery, Magnolia, Huntsville, and the neighboring communities.