
Functional Benefits Of Implant Posts

Anatomy of healthy teeth and tooth dental implant in human dentura. 3d illustrationIt goes without saying that the last thing a person wants to experience is the loss of a tooth. Apart from childhood baby tooth loss, your teeth are considered to be permanent structures. This means that once they are gone, they are considered to be gone for good. Not only is this a negative for your smile’s appearance, but its function and structural integrity as well. Fortunately, dental implants can help. In today’s blog, your Conroe, TX dentist discusses the functional benefits of dental implant posts and how they can enhance your smile’s capabilities.

Mimicking Natural Roots

Your teeth serve an important role in helping you accomplish a host of tasks, and as such, it is essential to keep them healthy and protected. Oral bacteria exist in every smile, and no matter how hard we try, getting rid of all of them is virtually impossible. What we can do, however, is stay on top of preventive dental care to keep these microorganisms at a minimum.

When bacteria target your teeth, they lurk in the hard-to-reach areas of the mouth and feed off of particles from the foods you consume. Sugar, in particular, causes bacteria to produce a destructive acid that eats away at your tooth’s enamel. Over time, this decay breaks down and infects your teeth until they are rendered compromised and in need of extracting.

Though it can be done, performing tasks with a missing tooth is difficult. Because of this and other reasons, dentists recommend having the structure replaced. This can be done with the help of dental implants, which mimic the role of your teeth roots in establishing stability. Contact our team to learn more today.

Addressing Questions of Function

Whether you were aware of it or not, your teeth are able to withstand the pressure of your bite thanks to the secure connection your roots have with your jawbone. This process allows you to bite, chew, and eat without fear of damage or issue.

When you are missing even so much as a single tooth, your bite must accommodate the missing structure by readjusting. This action can lead to tension and strain, as well as damage from miscalculated biting. To learn more about this process and how our team can help, give us a call today.

Ideal for Structural Integrity

Implant dentistry is highly regarded as a solution for missing teeth that also address questions of oral functioning. In addition to this, implants can help stimulate the jawbone like teeth roots do so as to keep the tissues strong. This symbiotic relationship is what allows you to perform routine tasks.

Schedule Your Next Appointment

Contact The Dental Centre of Conroe in Conroe, TX by calling 936-441-4600 to schedule your next appointment with our team and learn about the other benefits of dental implants, including how they can complete your smile in a near-seamless manner.