
Implant Technology Addresses Partial Tooth Loss

3d Illustration of a Fixed partial denture bridge, isolated white.Dental technology has come a long way in terms of addressing various needs. In fact, virtually every ailment can be addressed simply and efficiently, especially if sought in a timely manner. Implant technology has made it possible to address varying degrees of tooth loss by mimicking the natural function of our natural teeth and roots, and our team is ready to help you get started on your treatment today. In today’s blog, your Conroe, TX dentist takes a look at a very specific type of tooth loss that occurs when several structures in a gathered area are missing, and explains how partial dentures can help.

The Many Benefits of Implants

When it comes down to it, the last thing a person wants to experience in their adult lives is the loss of one or more natural teeth. After all, you are taking the steps necessary to ensure a healthy smile, so why would tooth loss even have to be at the forefront of your mind?

In all actuality, tooth loss can occur at any given time in a host of different ways, and being on the defensive can actually prove to be for your benefit. You see, most often a tooth is lost due to bacteria-related issues, but we mustn’t forget that dental emergencies and physical accidents can occur at any time to any person.

When you are presented with tooth loss to any degree, one of the biggest concerns you are faced with includes the impact on your oral function. Tasks such as biting, chewing, and eating become more difficult to perform, but fortunately, implant-retained solutions can help. Give our team a call today to learn more.

Function and Structure are Key

Losing one tooth is troubling, but losing several is more than a major inconvenience. Dental implants can be used to address the loss of one or more teeth by mimicking the natural function of a tooth root. When implant technology is used in conjunction with dental prostheses, the result is a lifelike finish with functional and structural enhancements.

Indeed, implant-retained bridges or partial dentures consist of two or more artificial crowns bonded together, and they are secured to your smile via an implant on either side.  Contact our team to learn more about your options.

Addressing Tooth Loss With Implant Partials

Implant bridges or partial implants can address a variety of complex tooth loss patterns. Not only are they versatile, but treatment is straightforward, meaning you will know exactly what to expect from the very beginning. Finally, implant-retained solutions help reestablish root stimulation, thus keeping the structural integrity of your jaw intact.

Give Our Team A Call

Contact The Dental Centre of Conroe in Conroe, TX by calling 936-441-4600 to schedule your next appointment with our team and learn more about the many benefits of implant-retained partial denture sets.