
How Implants Help Stabilize Your Teeth

Baby tooth, close-up of the tooth that falls macro shot.When it comes down to it, nobody’s first choice is to lose a permanent tooth. After all, these structures are essential for performing routine tasks such as biting, chewing, and eating, and they also make up your otherwise perfect smile. That being said, when even so much as a single tooth is gone, it can significantly impact your oral function and overall oral health. In today’s blog, your Conroe, TX dentist explores the functional and health-related benefits of replacing missing teeth and describes how dental implants can help stabilize your artificial crowns.

The Role of Teeth Roots

From a young age, your parents and/or guardians likely emphasized the need to brush your teeth regularly. By doing so, you were able to establish a dental routine that you likely took with you into your adult life. This is good news, as our smiles require every bit of help we can give them when it comes to staying strong and fending off threats.

What you might not have learned much about, however, is why they need to be strong to begin with. You see, your teeth are more than just the structures that complete your grin. They are actually essential for being able to maintain an appropriate amount of bite pressure.

To elaborate, each tooth is comprised of the crown itself and the roots. The roots are embedded into the jawbone, creating a secure bond that allows for stabilization. This means when pressure is applied, your teeth will not falter. If a structure is missing, however, this can throw off your entire bite. Fortunately, dental implants offer the solution to help. To learn more about this process and how our team can help, give us a call today.

An Impact on Oral Function

When so much as a single tooth is no longer present, your bite must readjust to accommodate any missing structures. This means that your other teeth must take on a greater percentage of your bite pressure. It also means you are more likely to experience strain and tension.

With the help of dental implant technology, however, our team can help you address these concerns. Our biocompatible titanium implant posts function in a similar manner to teeth roots, thus allowing our team to stabilize your artificial crowns and complete your smile once more. Contact our team today.

Providing Ideal Solutions

One of the major benefits of implant technology is that it can be customized to meet your needs. For instance, implant posts can be used to address a single missing tooth or in conjunction with dental prosthetics to provide secure solutions for a complete smile.

Learn More Today

Contact The Dental Centre of Conroe in Conroe, TX by calling 936-441-4600 to schedule your next appointment with our office and learn more about the many ways dental implants can help improve your smile’s health and complete your grin in a lifelike manner.