
Solutions For Tooth Loss Of Varying Degrees

Tooth humman implantation, denture (done in 3d rendering)It goes without saying that your smile’s health is among one of the most important things to consider when seeking dental treatment. Not only is your smile one of the first things a person may notice about you, but it is essential for routine tasks such as biting, chewing, and eating. Indeed, your oral function is contingent on a healthy smile, and sometimes oral bacteria or dental emergencies may have a different thing in mind. In today’s blog, your Conroe, TX dentist takes a look at tooth loss solutions for varying degrees of damage and what to expect from treatment.

Replacing Lost Teeth

The last thing we want to experience is the loss of one or more teeth as an adult. This is because our structures are considered permanent, meaning once one is gone, it is gone for good. While children’s baby teeth fall out to make room for the adult structures, they do not keep replenishing themselves.

Though your oral structures may be the strongest bones in your body, that does not mean they are indestructible. As a matter of fact, failing to provide effective preventive care, falling short in your routine, and a host of other aspects can cause your teeth to become infected or damaged.

When you are faced with the loss of even a single tooth, however, it significantly impacts your functional capabilities. This means performing tasks such as biting, chewing, or eating can become much more of a chore than they have to be. In instances such as this, your smile could benefit from implant dentistry. To learn more about this process and how our team can help, give us a call today.

Solutions for Several Consecutive Structures

Dental implants consist of a biocompatible titanium post with an artificial crown restoration placed on top. Because the post is embedded into the jaw bone, it functions in a similar manner that your teeth roots do, thus anchoring the crown and allowing it to absorb bite pressure effectively.

In addition to addressing a single tooth, implants can be used in conjunction with dental prostheses to span a larger gap. For instance, implant-retained bridges or partials can address the loss of several teeth. Contact our team to learn more today.

Implant-Retained Dentures

Finally, but certainly not least, implants can be used in conjunction with dentures to provide a lifelike and functionally-complete smile. In a special procedure called all-on-four, four implant posts are strategically placed into the jaw bone and are used to hold your denture securely in place without faltering. Make sure to consult with our team.

Learn More Today

To learn more about the many ways implant-retained dentures and prosthetics can enhance your oral function, contact The Dental Centre of Conroe in Conroe, TX by calling 936-441-4600 today.