Dental implants offer a long-lasting and lifelike solution to tooth loss. But if your smile loses mass and density, this could complicate your tooth replacement. But we can offer treatment to rebuild the weakened portions of your smile! In today’s blog, your Conroe, TX, dentist talks about ridge augmentation.
The Loss of Mass and Density in the Jaw
When we lose our natural teeth, this alters how we eat, complicates speech, and can lead to embarrassment too. But the body will also suspend or divert the flow of calcium and phosphates to the jawbone around the missing roots. Without these nutrients, the bone tissue breaks down and loses mass and density. As a result, you run the risk of further tooth loss and an aged appearance. Placing dental implants can prevent this breakdown and preserve your smile, but if you’ve already lost mass and density this could mean your smile no longer supports dental implants. Fortunately, we can rebuild what has been weakened, so they can support new teeth!
Preparing Your Smile and Ensuring Your Comfort
First, we need to take detailed digital x-rays of the smile, which uses 90% less radiation and provides more detailed images. These will enable us to assess the strength of your jawbone to plan your ridge augmentation with detail. When we’re ready, we will administer a calming agent to the areas being treated, and also offer dental sedation to help you enter a calm and relaxed state. Our team then takes tissue from the rear of your jaw, your hip, or even your knee to rebuild weakened portions. We could also use donor or synthetic options too.
The Ridge Augmentation
We use these tissues to rebuild the weakened portions, and to stimulate the growth of new tissue. Once the area heals, we can guide dental implants into the jaw, which the body will accept as natural roots. This also helps prevent further breakdowns in the jaw. When the placement area heals, we can attach an abutment and a restoration to complete your new tooth. Multiple dental implants could also be used to secure a bridge and even fixed dentures.
If you have any questions about how we treat tooth loss, or even rebuild your smile with a ridge augmentation, then contact our team today to learn more. We want you to enjoy a complete smile and also preserve your youthful facial features too!
Do You Have Questions About Jawbone Grafting?
Our team wants to make sure your smile is ready to support dental implants for years to come. If you have questions about how we rebuild your smile, then please contact The Dental Centre of Conroe in Conroe, TX by calling 936-441-4600 and schedule your next appointment with our team today.