
Individual Tooth Replacement With Implants And Crowns

conroe dental implants and crownsWhen you have lost a tooth, this gap could cause major complications down the road. Which is why to treat the gap and protect your smile, we may recommend implant dentistry. In today’s blog, your Conroe, TX, dentist talks about replacing a lost tooth with a dental implant and crown.

The Cause and Risks of a Missing Tooth

Why do we lose teeth? Possible factors include untreated tooth decay and infection, which can cause the teeth to become lost or require extraction to prevent the spread of infection. Injury could be a factor as well. However, the most common problem is gum disease, or more accurately. The advanced stage known as periodontitis, which severs the tissues that connect the teeth and gums to cause adult tooth loss.

Without all of your teeth, your smile could become unbalanced and more vulnerable to TMJ disorder and bruxism (teeth grinding). In addition, misalignment could develop due to the gaps, which further alters the beauty and health of your smile in negative ways. Finally, your jawbone could lose mass and density as the body suspends or diverts calcium and phosphates away from the portions with missing roots. This could cause not only further tooth loss, but an aged appearance too!

Placing Dental Implants

To address these concerns and prevent the loss of mass and density, we could place one or more dental implants. First, we will use digital technology to plan and place a biocompatible titanium post into the jaw. We avoid sinus cavities and nerve tissues, and choose angles and positions that stimulate the growth of jawbone tissue and support new teeth. The placement area will need to heal so the post and jaw can bond, a process known as osseointegration. This allows your new posts to act like natural teeth. They can now stay in place for decades to come, or possibly a lifetime, with proper care and attention. Now, we’re ready to address the physical portion of your new tooth or teeth.

The Dental Crowns

We first attach abutments to the dental implant posts. These will extend above the gum line, so we can attach a crown for an individual one, or a bridge or dentures if you have several posts. The crowns and prosthetics will be crafted from materials such as ceramic, so they can absorb daily bite forces and pressure, but also be color matched to blend with the rest of your smile seamlessly. If you have any questions about tackling your missing teeth, then contact our team today.

Do You Have Questions About Treating Missing Teeth?

To learn more about how we replace an individual missing tooth, then contact The Dental Centre of Conroe in Conroe, TX by calling 936-441-4600 and schedule your next appointment with our team today.