
Dental Implants Provide Structural Stability

Closeup/ Dental implants supported overdenture on blue background/ Screw retained/ implant restorations.In our most recent blog, our team came together to discuss the different ways that tooth extraction – though nobody’s first choice – can actually prove beneficial when it comes to treating a significant infection or injury. Indeed, your teeth are some of the most important structures contained within the oral cavity, and while missing one might result in nothing more than a minor inconvenience, missing multiple can lead to serious complications. In today’s blog, your Conroe, TX dentist discusses the importance of replacing lost teeth and how implant posts can help provide structural stability.

Why Replace a Lost Tooth?

Whether you are aware of it or not, your teeth comprise a hefty portion of your overall oral health. Although they are not the only structures you need to worry about, they certainly play a large role in your functional capabilities as well. You see, your teeth are needed to help you perform routine tasks such as biting, chewing, and eating.

When a person loses a single tooth, their entire bite is thrown off balance as they adjust to accommodate the missing structure. Moreover, the tension and strain that results from this adjustment can lead to further complications with eating and even pain or damage.

Though you can certainly get by with a missing tooth as an adult, it is not in your best interest to do so. For instance, the longer a tooth root is not present to stimulate the jawbone, the more likely you are to experience bone degradation. Not only does this make future implant treatment more difficult to perform, but tooth loss due to infection will quickly spread to neighboring or adjacent teeth. To learn more about this process and how our team can help, give us a call today.

Providing Necessary Structural Support

In order to address the effects of a missing tooth, our team highly recommends seeking dental implant treatment. Dental implants consist of biocompatible titanium posts that are designed to mimic the natural function of your teeth roots.

You see, your roots create a secure connection with the jawbone in order to allow your crowns to support the pressure of your bite. Moreover, this connection helps stimulate the bone so that it can stay strong and continue to support your roots. Contact our team to learn more.

Additional Treatments to Help

When significant time has passed since the loss of a tooth and treatment has not yet been sought, your jawbone can experience degradation. Before pursuing implant treatment, you will likely need bone grafting or a sinus lift to help rebuild the area to support implant posts. Fortunately, our team can assist in this process as well.

Learn More Today

Contact The Dental Centre of Conroe in Conroe, TX by calling 936-441-4600 to schedule your next appointment with our team and learn more about the need for replacing missing teeth today.