
Wintertime Details For New Implant Patients! 

When you’re a new dental implant patient, whether you are new to wearing them (to this, our Conroe, TX team must say: Congratulations!) or if you are in the process of getting started with them (also very exciting), you may not know much about, well … much. It’s all brand new to you! While you’ve gotten quite an education from our team, in terms of living your life with these wonderful tooth replacements, you may find that new questions arise every now and then. A very common area that can yield confusion? Seasonal changes! Today, let’s get to the bottom of what wintertime might mean, so you’re in the know.

Remember: Your Implants Require A Journey

We want you to remember this very important detail if you are very, very new to dental implants and are getting ready to receive them: If you are hoping to have them by the end of December, this is not how dental implants work. Of course, if you were considering a traditionally supported prosthetic, then you could certainly reach a very short deadline. However, with implants, you’re looking at a journey that may take about six months to a year! While you may have had high hopes to have your smile completed by the winter holidays, there’s some good news: When you choose implants and begin this winter you can expect to be done by next season and can enjoy a complete smile for the rest of the holidays of your life (hint: Implants generally last forever). Ready to learn more? Call to get started today!

Popular Wintertime Foods Promote Oral Health Concerns

We want you to remember if you’re someone already wearing dental implants and restorations that though they’re quite resilient and strong and seem like tiny superheroes, it’s important to maintain a realistic outlook. Just like natural teeth, your replacement teeth are still susceptible to damage from holiday favorites like peanut brittle. You’re still susceptible to gum inflammation due to lax hygiene, too, which may show up as peri-implantitis, or dangerous swelling surrounding your implants. The good news? There’s no cause for concern, if you simply practice caution and practice prevention through the holiday season!

Bad Breath? It Might Be Your Mouth Breathing!

Dealing with bad breath and worried it’s because you have dental implants? It’s not. The same factors that always cause yucky breath, from mouth-breathing due to your wintertime cold to becoming lax with dental care to issues that require our attention are the culprit. Need some help? Just let us know!

Get To Know Important Implant Details

Become more familiar with dental implants and wintertime details that are important to consider for first-time dental implant patients! Come in for a consultation or visit soon, so you can gather the information you need. Come in for a visit in Conroe, TX by scheduling a visit with the Dental Centre of Conroe by calling (936) 441-4600. We serve patients from Conroe and the neighboring communities.