
Questions You Have About Implant Popularity

You may find yourself having one of those light bulb moments, when you are suddenly struck with a bright idea that you really want to ask us about! For many, the sudden question about dental implant popularity crops up and results in the development in a whole new, additional batch of inquiries! Of course, when this happens, we are always happy to see you at our Conroe, TX practice and to provide you with the information you’re seeking. In terms of what makes implants the super cool kids on the block with a stellar reputation, take some of our helpful answers into consideration. For anything else, see us soon!

How Many People Have Them?

We want you to keep in mind that dental implants are not the type of thing that just a handful of people receive. Instead, millions of people in the United States alone have them! So, that may help you feel much better about their level of popularity and the fact that selecting them for your smile is not an uncommon decision. Ask around. You may find that you know someone who has received them!

Are They Popular Because They Succeed?

One of the reasons dental implants are certainly a popular choice is the fact that they do carry a very high success rate, of about 98 percent. That’s exceptionally high! If you’re interested in what makes them so reliable, come in to see our team soon to learn more.

Why Do I Never See Friends With Implants?

Remember when we mentioned you should ask around to see if any of your friends have dental implants? You may have wondered why you have never noticed that anyone in your life has them. The answer is that, unless someone mentions them, implants and restorations look so natural that you’re just not going to notice (yet another reason for their popularity).

Are Traditional Prosthetics Popular, Too?

Yes! As a result, it’s important to remember that selecting your dental prosthetic is all about figuring out what works best for you. Now that you know that dental implants and other options provide you with reliable means by which to replace your teeth, the important question beyond popularity is: Do you want to replace your tooth’s roots? If the answer is yes, then dental implants are your sole solution! If not, you are welcome to explore other avenues! See us soon, so we may offer you even more implant education.

Learn About Implants And Their Success

Find out more in regard to how frequently patients select dental implants, more about the success of implants, and what makes them a much sought after option when it comes to tooth replacement! Come in for a visit in Conroe, TX by scheduling a visit with the Dental Centre of Conroe by calling (936) 441-4600. We serve patients from Conroe and the neighboring communities.