
Implants: When You Want Your Original Smile Back 

When you lose your teeth, whether it’s one or many, one thing that nearly almost always occurs is that you feel like you don’t have your smile anymore. You miss the one you had before the tooth loss but you feel like you’ll probably never be able to get back to your original grin. Furthermore, when you end up with traditionally placed prosthetics, you may end up feeling like replacing your missing teeth has gotten you further away from the smile you once called your own, rather than closer to returning to it. Good news! When you choose dental implants with our Conroe, TX team, you can feel like things are back to normal. Why is that? Well, find out more!

You Want To Eat Without Panicking

Of course, one of the reasons you wish you had your original smile back is because you used to be able to just eat and enjoy the experience. However, now when you eat, there’s a certain amount of panicking that goes into it. You may feel worried that your denture is going to slip. You may worry about food getting stuck or not being able to chew your food! Fortunately, selecting dental implants for yourself means there’s no more panic. Instead, you’re back to the old days of just eating without giving it a second thought.

Your Smile Is Almost Its Old Self (But It Isn’t)

Of course, whether you have a traditionally supported full denture, partial, or bridge, you’re closer to having your original smile than you were when you still had missing teeth. However, something is still off. You can tell you’re wearing a prosthetic, instead of feeling like your smile is your own. The good news is that if this is a significant issue for you, you can take care of it by considering dental implants. They are anchored into your jaw tissue, offering exceptional support to your restoration of choice, so you can get very close to having your smile back.

You Spend A Lot Of Time Addressing Your Smile

There’s a lot that goes on with your smile these days. You spend a lot of time addressing its needs, fussing over it, worrying about it. Maybe you’re trying to figure out just how much adhesive to use to keep your partial in place. Perhaps you have to stop during meals to go clean your smile or to rinse your denture. When you select dental implants, there’s no more fussing. There’s just a stable, in-place smile that requires maintenance like your original smile used to!

Enjoy Complete Tooth Replacement

When you’re ready to have your smile back, remember that when you select dental implants and restorations, they allow you to completely replace your missing teeth from root to tip. See us soon! Come in for a visit in Conroe, TX by scheduling a visit with the Dental Centre of Conroe by calling (936) 441-4600. We serve patients from Conroe and the neighboring communities.