
Implant Protection: Good Choice, Bad Choice?

When the goal is to protect your dental implants, which is always a daily and long-term goal, you may find yourself wondering if you’ve been making good choices for yourself or bad choices. You may even find that you sometimes regard your implants and restorations are little superheroes, since they’re made of artificial tissue, as you wonder to yourself: Am I actually putting my smile and tooth replacements in harm’s way as a result? Gather the deeper insight you’re looking for, as our Conroe, TX team explores common choices (and whether they’re good … or bad!).

Smoking Or Using Other Tobacco?

Bad choice! We always remind patients that no matter the circumstances, smoking and the use of any and all tobacco products is a dangerous choice for your oral health, as well as your overall health! When you’re using tobacco, you are increasing the chance of failure for your dental implants because you become more vulnerable to a whole host of problems, such as gum disease (which may include peri-implantitis), infection, and more. Don’t promote the failure of your implants!

Expecting More Of Replacements Than Natural Teeth?

Bad choice! As mentioned, there may be part of you that thinks of your dental implants as being stronger and less vulnerable to damage than your natural teeth. However, we remind you that though they and your restorations may be composed of artificial tissue, you still need to treat them like you treat your natural teeth. Using your smile to carry items, to tear open packaging, to eat foods that are extremely hard, etc., can damage the implants, your restorations, your organic tissues, your jaw joints, and more!

Keeping Up With Hygiene, Even Though Tissue Is Artificial?

Good choice! You may have already realized that when you have dental implants in place, you still need to take care of your smile. Yes, your implants and restorations are safe from decay but the rest of your smile (remaining teeth, gum tissue, etc.) is still vulnerable to problems that may occur if you don’t brush and floss. So, keep that dental hygiene going and you’re actually supporting the success of your entire smile, implants included.

Seeking Treatment For Bruxism?

Good choice! Again, treat smile your as you always would and, should functional issues develop, seek treatment for them to keep your oral health safe!

Make Good Choices For Implant Protection 

When you’re not sure how to protect your dental implants on a daily basis or in the long run, come in to see us! Sit down with our team to learn all about how to make wonderful choices for your smile. Come in for a visit in Conroe, TX by scheduling a visit with the Dental Centre of Conroe by calling (936) 441-4600. We serve patients from Conroe and the neighboring communities.