
Things That Will Amaze You About Switching To Implants

If you’ve never addressed tooth loss before and you go straight for implants, then this is all you will know! However, if you are someone who decided to begin your experience with replacing missing teeth with traditional support (such as a bridge, partial, or denture) and you decide to switch to dental implants, you are going to be amazed at some of the changes you experience! Curious about what they might be? Our Conroe, TX team is so happy to introduce you to them!

No More Mess

One of the things you get used to (or that you simply learn to deal with) when you wear traditionally supported prosthetics is a bit of mess. Perhaps you are wearing a full or partial denture and you know that there will be some mess if you decide to use denture adhesive. When you remove dentures from your mouth, it comes with saliva and a need to clean up. When you have a bridge, you may get food stuck between the device and your gum tissue, which can feel a bit messy. With dental implants and restorations, there’s no mess. It’s pretty much like having your natural teeth in place again.

Simple Care

Now, let’s talk about the care that you’re used to providing yourself. You know that no matter what, all patients need preventive dental care in the form of brushing, flossing, and preventive visits. However, as you may have grown accustomed to, cleaning traditional prosthetics often includes spending some additional time cleaning your device (or cleaning around your device if it’s a bridge). When you switch over to dental implants, your maintenance generally returns to the care you enjoyed before you experienced tooth loss. It’s a lot like returning to your pre-tooth-loss smile.

Stability You Never Imagined

Good news! Whether you choose dental implants and crowns, implant-supported dentures, or anything else, one thing is constant and it just might shock you: The stability of your tooth replacement! When you wear traditional prosthetics, you may worry a lot about wiggling or the potential for your bridge to break. However, we want you to keep in mind that since implants are fused with your jawbone, they are anchored with exceptional security and cannot move. So, again, it’s like your natural smile!

Switch To Dental Implant Support

Change over from traditionally supported prosthetics to those supported with dental implants if you are ready for an improvement! Remember that you can expect unsurpassed longevity, daily function, and more! Come in for a visit in Conroe, TX by scheduling a visit with the Dental Centre of Conroe by calling (936) 441-4600. We serve patients from Conroe and the neighboring communities.