
Need Jawbone Grafting? Here’s What You Should Know

The goal of replacing lost teeth with dental implants is to fully rebuild and preserve your healthy, natural smile. However, in some cases, teeth aren’t the only thing that’s lost. For many patients in Conroe, TX, who experience tooth loss, the strength and integrity of their jawbones plays a vital role in their ability to restore their smiles. Fortunately, we offer a variety of prerequisite procedures, including jawbone grafting and sinus lifts to ensure that your smile’s foundation is strong and healthy before placing your dental implants.

Why you need a stronger jawbone

One of the most important roles of your jawbone is to stabilize and support your teeth roots. Many cases of tooth loss occur because this supportive structure erodes, such as through extensive periodontal disease. If your jawbone has grown too weak, then it won’t be able to adequately support your dental implant posts. It will also lose its ability to support your remaining healthy teeth, increasing your risks of losing more teeth in the future.

What bone grafting/sinus lift mean

Jawbone grafting, or dental ridge augmentation, is performed on the lower jawbone. The goal is to fortify the jawbone structure by adding biocompatible material or donor bone tissue to weakened areas of it. If your upper jawbone needs fortification, then we may suggest a sinus lift, which involves lifting the floor of the sinuses to make room for bone grafting material.

After your jawbone’s stronger

Whether you’ve lost teeth on the upper or lower dental ridge (or both), a bone graft and/or sinus lift can fortify your smile’s foundation so you can successfully replace them with dental implants. Once your implant posts have been inserted and your jawbone heals to them, the implants will stimulate your jaw every time you bite and chew. This will help prevent your jawbone from eroding further and becoming weak again.

Find out if you need jawbone grafting

If severe gum disease, tooth loss, traumatic injury, or more have caused your jawbone to grow weaker, then bone grafting could be the answer to restoring its health and integrity. For more information, schedule a consultation by calling the Dental Centre of Conroe in Conroe, TX, today at (936) 441-4600. We also proudly serve patients who live in Houston, The Woodlands, Willis, Montgomery, Magnolia, Huntsville, and all surrounding communities.