Month: August 2018


Are Implants Better Than Everything Else?

If you’re thinking that it’s time to come in for dental implants because they’re better than all of the other solutions out there for missing teeth, we encourage you to rethink your perspective. They are not inherently the best. Instead, they may offer you the best solution depending on what you need and what you… Read more »


Why Bother With A Partial Implant Denture?

Of course, you know that if you’re missing an arch or both arches of teeth, choosing implants is going to offer you such exceptional stability that it will be difficult to pass them up. You also know that replacing a single tooth with an implant and crown can essentially give you your previous smile back…. Read more »


Implants: 3 Things They Teach Most People

Before you began learning about dental implants, you may have been completely unaware of certain things in regard to what it means to lose your teeth. What’s that, you say? You don’t really know much about implants just yet and now you’re wringing your hands, wondering if there’s some education you should probably gather up… Read more »


Implants: 3 Things That Scare You (But Don’t Need To)

There are some details you probably love when you learn about them as you become more familiar with dental implants. There are some details that may scare you, too, which can keep you teeter-tottering back and forth between saying yes to implants (or saying no). We are very happy to report that you don’t need… Read more »


How Implants May Help With Your Headaches

Are you missing teeth at the moment? Do you have a very old device like a bridge or partial that you haven’t done anything about, though you have a feeling it’s damaged? Do these details happen to coincide with the fact that you’ve been getting headaches for a while now but you cannot seem to… Read more »