
Qualifying For Implants: How “No” Can Become “Yes”

Depending on what you’re looking for when it comes to dental implants, how you’re doing with your current level of oral health, and more, your first response when you look into this solution may be, “No, you are not currently a candidate!” While this can be disheartening, the good news is that a “no” can become a “yes” in a variety of ways. Let’s examine some, so you see qualifying for implants is often much more flexible than you realize.

Your Child Gets Older

If you bring your 10-year-old child to us because of a missing tooth, we will tell you “no.” However, that “no” will only be for right now. It’s because your growing child has a growing jaw. As the tissue continues to develop, it’s not a stable environment for an implant. In the future, somewhere in your child’s late teens, that jaw growth will be complete. At that time, we will be able to tell you and your child “yes.”

You Follow Through With Essential Treatments

If something is wrong with your smile that makes it an unstable place for a dental implant, then we may tell you that you’re not ready. If you’re happy to follow through with the recommended treatments to fix those concerns, however, then “no” can become “yes” quite quickly.

You Change Your Preferences

Perhaps your smile is not strong enough for individual dental implants and crowns. However, this is what you initially wanted. As a result, you may have decided to choose a different path toward replacing teeth with traditionally supported prosthetics. Your initial “no” can turn to a “yes” if you’ve decided the benefits of implants are worthwhile even if that means receiving an implant-supported partial or denture, etc. Remember, keeping your options open often leads to surprising benefits!

Find Out How To Qualify For Implants

Remember to take the time to talk with us about your options for qualifying for implants. You may be pleasantly surprised by the details! Come in for a visit in Conroe, TX by scheduling a visit with the Dental Centre of Conroe by calling (936) 441-4600. We serve patients from Conroe, Houston, The Woodlands, Willis, Montgomery, Magnolia, Huntsville, and the neighboring communities.