
Dental Implants: Why Get A Move On?

There are reasons to “get a move on,” so to speak, when it comes to replacing your missing teeth. This is just as true for partials and bridges as it is for patients who have decided to consider dental implants. Though, with implants, there are additional reasons to be a bit hasty with your planning. Not sure that you know much about why replacing missing teeth with implants today is any different than replacing them in a year from now? We can fix that!

Protect Tissue Health

First things first, one of the main benefits of dental implants is the fact that they offer exceptional protection for your jaw health. During the life of your teeth, your roots keep your jaw healthy by offering a particular type of stimulation. The loss of teeth (and their roots), leaves your jaw highly vulnerable to deteriorating. Replace roots with implants and you erase the vulnerability. Implants stand in place of roots, keeping your jawbone full, healthy, and in good shape. Start soon to avoid damage.

Quickly Restore Your Smile’s Appearance

The best way to get your smile looking just like it used to? Placing dental implants and dental crowns, of course. Today’s dental technology allows us to craft natural-looking, beautiful restorations that closely replicate your missing teeth.

Avoid A Variety Of Oral Concerns

Missing teeth yield similar problems for everyone: A change in dental hygiene (it becomes harder to accomplish and maintain), difficulty saying certain words, uncomfortable chewing, a heightened risk of TMJ disorder and bruxism, and the list goes on. When you fully replace teeth with dental implants, tooth loss no longer encourages such concerns.

See Us ASAP To Discuss Tooth Replacement

When you have missing teeth, remember that the sooner you visit us to discuss dental implants and to replace teeth, the better it is for your oral health (and more). Come in for a visit in Conroe, TX by scheduling a visit with the Dental Centre of Conroe by calling (936) 441-4600. We serve patients from Conroe, Houston, The Woodlands, Willis, Montgomery, Magnolia, Huntsville, and the neighboring communities.